Monday, November 3, 2008

On Voting

Just to be clear, the fact that the misinformed and biased pollsters voted Alabama #1 this week had nothing to do with the following blog article I wrote. Frankly, I could care less right now who the pollsters have as number one, and fully expect LSU to change things for the Tide next week.

BUT, this blog isn't about football.

My wife and I had the great privilege of visiting Philadelphia during the first week of October. We saw the liberty bell, independence hall, etc. And while all of these historical buildings, relics and monuments were very interesting (I am a history teacher wannabe I think), the most meaningful thing to me was remembering our country's forefathers and what it took to make this country what it is.

The United States of America was founded by men who were willing to risk it all. Men who had a deep and abiding faith in God. Men who didn’t so much care what the cost was to them personally, as long as it left an enduring promise and future for their children and their country. They pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to acquire independence from tyranny.

Many of these men lost their fortunes and their lives fighting for freedom. I believe they would be saddened today to know how much of the godly heritage they so valiantly fought for has been squandered away. Individual rights and freedoms legislated away by congress. Protection for the unborn ruled away by out-of-control judges. Special interest groups becoming more important to Presidents and Governors than average citizens. And the reason?

Apathy. Misinformation. Lack of education. No interest. Far too long we have been either apathetic, misinformed, uneducated to the facts, didn’t care about the issues or just to lazy and uninterested in political and public policy issues. Therefore, a significant number of people either just didn’t vote, or jumped on a bandwagon to vote without thinking through who they REALLY believed would be the right candidate.

In 1881, President James Garfield, who happened to also be a minister, warned that “if we went to sleep”, our government would become corrupt and tyrannical. He went on to say, “Now, more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature”.

In a representative republic like ours, the power citizens hold is in their vote.
Tomorrow we vote.

The Bible says we can’t serve two masters. We either serve an ungodly worldly master, or we serve The Master. Consequently, before voting, before pulling that curtain closed behind you, before deciding who will get your vote on the ballot… must FIRST decide WHOM you serve. And then, what that Master (or master) wants you to do when you get in the booth.

It is the only way to preserve what is left of our precious heritage that our forefathers left us. It is the only way to participate in the destiny of our nation. As voting citizens, we are the caretakers of America for ourselves and for posterity. We have an obligation to our country. And as former President Garfield said later in the speech quoted above, “we have an obligation to God.” Our Founding Fathers would expect nothing less.


1 comment:

d patterson said...


Amen to your comments on the election.

Looking forward to your next entrie after the election